Library Skills

KFSHRC Library offers a range of user education services to help library users find and evaluate information more efficiently and effectively

User Education at KFSHRC Library includes:

  • Information Literacy Program (ILP)
  • Information Skills Classes
  • Library Tours
  • Subject Guides

What is Library Skills?

A set of abilities acquired by individuals to:

  • Recognize when information is needed
  • Locate information to answer the need
  • Evaluate and select the right information by using critical thinking
  • Use effectively the needed information to create a product (i.e. an essay, a research paper, or just to make a basic decision)

Objectives of the Program

To empower the students with the necessary skills to become information literate. "Ultimately information literate people are those who have learned how to learn. They know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized, how to find information and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from them. They are people prepared for lifelong learning, because they can always find the information needed for any decision or task at hand." American Library Association. Presidential Committee on Library skills. Final Report, 1989 Information Skills Classes

These are available as sign-up classes or may be arranged by academic staff in consultation with the Library staff.

Library Tours

Library tours are conducted each semester and can also be organized for specific courses and academic program. Contact the Readers Services Librarian on Ext. xxx/xxx to organize a tour of the library. The Orientation package and printed guides are available at the Circulation Desk.

Subject Guides

KFSHRC Library Subject Guides provide access to resources (article databases, catalogs, background information, web sites, and more) organized by topic. These pages were created by the librarians responsible for the areas of study listed